In 2015, Claudia completed her Yoga teacher trainer course, while living in Los Angeles. And now she has finally managed to turn something that sets her soul on fire.
“It’s a beautiful thing when your heart and mind are moving in the same direction. To work at doing something you truly, truly love and believe in. Ahh. The dream.”
Claudia’s time on the mat is about giving 1000% of my energy and to help people go further.
Her infectious energy will be sure to transform your day or start your day right. Her classes are playful yet powerful.
And I love making real, simple, healthy food fun and easy to make! I’m a Mom, YouTuber, food blogger, and Holistic Weight Loss Coach and I want to inspire you to eat well, cook more, stop dieting and feel great!
Here is a short list of some of the tips that I found the most helpful when transitioning into healthier eating habits. I hope these 15 simple steps help to make healthy eating a bit easier and a lot more enjoyable for you!
Going on my first yoga retreat five years ago was a major turning point in my life. So much so that now I lead yoga adventures for others around the world in places like Joshua Tree, Costa Rica and Bali. These are truly transformative experiences and I believe that anyone who enjoys a lifestyle of health and wellness can greatly benefit from a yoga retreat.
The reach of social media cannot be underestimated. Modern social media shadows academic principles established decades previously. Most famous is Milgram’s Small World Phenomenon. This study looked at the links between people and their respective connections, proposing that any two people on earth can be linked through no more than 6 people. Modern-day social networks show this on a vast, yet more obvious, scale.
The truth is, spiritual health is inextricably connected to mental, emotional, social, and even physical health. When our spirit is healthy, our body is healthier, our brain is healthier, our relationships are healthier. Our entire soul is healthier.
Greater innovation is one of the clearest advantages of collaborative working. It can be fostered by bringing together people with complementary or even contrasting skills and engaging them in activities, such as brainstorming solutions to an issue facing the project. With some guidance and a solid frame of context, varied ideas from programmers, marketers or accountants can be blended together to solve problems that one department on their own would have had trouble with.